Join David Whyte for his annual gathering on the shores of Monterey Bay working with his latest poetry, prose, thoughts and insights; most particularly David’s most recent essays appearing in Consolations II, his second collection looking at the nourishment and underlying meaning of many words we use everyday in ways that are not equal to the power they carry.
Asilomar Conference Center
February 28 - March 2, 2025
Asilomar Conference Center
800 Asilomar Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Sex, Shame and Death are three of those powerful words, and also the titles of three of his essays. David will look at what lies behind these often overwhelming words, as well as others, such as: Body, Breath, Burnout, Anxiety, Eclipse, Time, Reverie and a word he thinks we need: Unordinary.
This weekend is always experienced as a marvellous tonic for any forgetful or beleaguered life: the breezes off the bay, the always present arrival of waves on Asilomar Beach, the gorgeous wooden building in which we gather, the bonhomie amongst like-minded seekers. Please join us, as well as special guests Mícheál and Owen Ó Súilleabháin and Charlotte Whyte.
Day 1
Friday: 4pm check-in and evening session.
Day 2
Saturday: Morning and afternoon sessions.
Day 3
Sunday: Morning session. Program ends at around 11:30am followed by lunch for those taking meals onsite.